Live the mission

Connect with us as we continue to forge new pathways to independence.


An ever-increasing number of Catholic high schools across the country are establishing inclusive academic programs and welcome students with mild to moderate intellectual challenges into Catholic college preparatory communities. We believe that this educational progress should not end for these students when they graduate from high school. We want to work with your family to fulfill this mission. YOU are our “why.


The success of inclusive academic programs relies on the kind, generous, and engaging spirits of the peers of our students, those who take their time to work with and welcome those who learn differently. Following the successful models already implemented in the foundation’s programs, we hope to work with student populations across the country who wish to get involved and advocate for academic inclusion.

Partner with us

Martha Murray, National Director

Love all…love them, not because they are your brothers, but that they may become your brothers. Thus you will ever burn with fraternal love…that he may by loving become your brother.

– Saint Augustine